About cnh district
What is a District?
The Cali-Nev-Ha District serves all Key Club divisions in the states of California, Nevada, and Hawaii. The CNH District is the largest district in Key Club International, with nearly 45,500 members. The CNH mascot is the "Bee."​​ Our colors are yellow and black.
A district is a grouping of divisions across a state or a collection of states. A district is led by three Executives: the District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. As well as the leadership team comprised of Editors and Administration Chairs. The Lt. Governors of each division within the district and the appointed board members are also involved on this level.
cnh district
district board
Governor - Austin Alves
Secretary - Tak Nishida
Treasurer - Elizabeth Gilmore​
News Editor - Nia Danelia
Technology Editor - Vera Faith Del Rio
Visual Media Editor - Cassie Nguyen
Communications & Marketing - Isabelle Schinzing
District Convention (DCON) - Tristan Decious
Kiwanis Family & Foundation - Leya Wu
Membership Development & Education - Rachel An
Member Recognition - Sarah Ganiko
Membership Growth - Amelia Gaspar
Policy, International Business, & Elections (PIE) - Carolyn Kao
Service Projects - Alice Sar
In 1924, Sacramento High School in Sacramento, California was suffering from destructive clubs and fraternities. The fraternities were outlawed and moved underground, meanwhile continuing to exercise a negative influence on the student population. Teachers and community leaders of Sacramento High feared the detrimental influence of the destructive clubs and fraternities. These leaders sought a means of replacing the negative groups’ influence with wholesome youth activities. Mr. John Dale, the principal of Sacramento High, and Mr. Frank Vincent, a faculty member, thought their school needed an organization of students who discouraged delinquency by leading through good examples. John Dale and Frank Vincent’s idea of a junior service club similar to Kiwanis was presented in 1924. A charter for the club was not approved until after eleven young men signed a petition on March 25, 1925 to the Kiwanis International Office in Chicago requesting to be chartered as a Junior Kiwanis Club. By the time the charter was granted and the club held its first meeting, the membership had grown to twenty-five members.
Kiwanis hoped to provide vocational guidance to the students of the entire school through the Junior Kiwanis Club. The club became known as the Key Club because of the positive influence the key students who planned the club’s weekly luncheon meetings had on the school’s atmosphere. Kiwanians attended their Key Club Meetings as guest speakers and Key Club members attended Kiwanis meetings. As the experience of Key Club grew, a trend developed expanding the original purpose of providing vocational guidance and worthwhile activities to students. Soon the entire Sacramento High student body was allowed to join a newly formed service organization, and a social program was offered to balance its service activities.
Key Club went through a period of expansion by word-of-mouth in following years. The youth service organization convinced communities throughout the United States to start Key Clubs patterned after the first Key Club established at Sacramento High School. By 1939, about fifty Key Clubs were chartered, mostly in the southern U.S. In the same year, Florida formed a State Association of Key Clubs (The first Key Club District). In 1943, the Florida State Association of Key Clubs invited Key Clubbers from Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Tennessee to attend its convention. Afterward, Key Clubs formed an international association and elected Malcolm Lewis of West Palm Beach, Florida as its first president. In 1946, the official Key Club International Constitution and Bylaws were approved, and the association became Key Club International (KCI).
The first five clubs officially chartered by Key Club International were at Sacramento, Monterey, Oakland Technical, Hemet, and Stockton (now Edison) High Schools. Key Club grew beyond the place of its birth, and a few clubs already existed in Nevada. In 1947, it was decided that a district should be formed. The first step was taken as all Key Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs in California were invited to hold a conference in San Diego in October of 1947. The Key Club California-Nevada (Cali-Nev) District Bylaws and Constitution were adopted and new district officers were elected. John Cooper of Oakland Technical High School was the first District Governor of the Cali-Nev District. The first official Cali-Nev District Convention was held in Oakland in March 1948. It was attended by eighty members representing the 23 recognized district Key Clubs.
The California-Nevada District converted to the California-Nevada-Hawaii (Cali-Nev-Ha, CNH) District when McKinley High School Key Club was established in Hawaii in 1952. The first edition of the Cali-Nev-Ha Key appeared on May 1, 1954. Presently Cali-Nev-Ha has over 45,000 Key Club Members from 736 clubs in eighteen regions and 79 divisions!