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introduction to events

service events
Key Club is built around community service and service events are an important part of what it means to be in Key Club. Serving the community is not limited to clean-ups, you can help your neighborhood in a multitude of ways from helping out at your local elementary to even answering questions online to raise money for underserved communities.
Not only do we help others through volunteer work, but through monetary donations as well. Through fundraisers, we can raise money and assist children worldwide. By purchasing a drink or meal, you too can make a difference!

Division Council Meetings (DCM) are a way to discuss business while having fun. DCMs are a great mixture of socialization, community service, and a way to stay updated on division and club information. Each DCM is centered around a main event or theme (E.g. Night Market DCM) and typically includes a business portion (club recaps and monthly recognition), ice-breakers, and clubs selling food.
region training conference
The Region Training Conference (RTC) occurs annually and models the feel of FRS on a smaller scale. Each division in Region 8 goes head to head by performing three mini cheers and one main cheer. The winning division is awarded a spirit stick decorated with that year's theme. In between the mini and main cheer, attendees visit workshops on various topics (E.g. Treasurer 101).

Fall Rally South (FRS) occurs annually at Six Flags: Magic Mountain. At FRS, LTGs and Executive officers are "auctioned" off to divisions, and the winner can spend a period with the "purchased" officer. Auction funds and a portion of the ticket sales go towards the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). Unlike RTC, at FRS, divisions participate in an elimination-style competition in three rounds, performing one main cheer per round.
district convention
The CNH District Convention (DCON) occurs annually to celebrate all the achievements of the previous term, elect the new District Executive Board, attend a variety of educational workshops, meet new Key Clubbers from all over CNH, and welcome in the new term together.

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